



When we decide to travel in any country it is always necessary to get it with any way of transport. It is known that transportation is one of the most important factors for a comfortable tour. So, talking about rail way of transportation it is possible to say that there a special railroad service. It is Kyrgyz Temir Joly, or Kyrgyz Railroad. But the fact is that not from all countries it is possible to reach Kyrgyzstan. The reason is in mountain location of the country which makes difficult to create railroad.
On coming to the country already it is better to take a car for rent and make a tour with no problems. But first it is necessary to arrive here. Kyrgyzstan is the country with two-way railroad connection – northern and southern. When guests or locals want to get to Issyk-Kul they can buy rail-road tickets and from Bishkek get to Balykchy. Then this road goes to Kazakhstan. When the tour is going along different countries, it is possible to get from Osh and Jalal-Abad and then to Uzbekistan. For now it can’t be done unfortunately.
For those who are interested in timetable of rail road, it is possible to visit or official site of Railroad Company. Rail means getting to some places not in shortest time, it takes longer time to get. The way of making a tour on railroad means to have an opportunity of taking any level of comfort.